Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 18.005
EU - Europa 12.906
AS - Asia 3.619
SA - Sud America 94
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 43
OC - Oceania 24
AF - Africa 23
Totale 34.714
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 17.362
GB - Regno Unito 3.282
IT - Italia 2.991
DE - Germania 2.072
UA - Ucraina 1.325
SG - Singapore 1.197
CN - Cina 1.003
DK - Danimarca 723
CA - Canada 615
VN - Vietnam 512
RU - Federazione Russa 511
FR - Francia 429
FI - Finlandia 305
IE - Irlanda 304
SE - Svezia 272
IN - India 235
NL - Olanda 176
HK - Hong Kong 168
KR - Corea 148
JP - Giappone 96
ES - Italia 90
BE - Belgio 66
PK - Pakistan 65
CH - Svizzera 48
TR - Turchia 48
BR - Brasile 46
RO - Romania 46
EU - Europa 42
SI - Slovenia 39
PL - Polonia 36
AT - Austria 35
PT - Portogallo 33
TW - Taiwan 33
GR - Grecia 31
IL - Israele 20
MX - Messico 20
AU - Australia 19
BG - Bulgaria 19
CO - Colombia 19
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 17
IR - Iran 15
CI - Costa d'Avorio 13
NO - Norvegia 13
AR - Argentina 12
LT - Lituania 11
IS - Islanda 10
ID - Indonesia 9
MY - Malesia 9
PE - Perù 9
TH - Thailandia 8
PH - Filippine 7
LV - Lettonia 6
RS - Serbia 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
PA - Panama 5
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
EG - Egitto 4
MK - Macedonia 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
AM - Armenia 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
BO - Bolivia 3
CL - Cile 3
EE - Estonia 3
HR - Croazia 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
AL - Albania 2
CY - Cipro 2
DZ - Algeria 2
GE - Georgia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KH - Cambogia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AW - Aruba 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EC - Ecuador 1
FK - Isole Falkland (Malvinas) 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LB - Libano 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MT - Malta 1
NP - Nepal 1
PF - Polinesia Francese 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TN - Tunisia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 34.714
Città #
Southend 2.371
Chandler 2.006
Woodbridge 1.751
Ann Arbor 1.618
Houston 1.453
Fairfield 1.038
Singapore 929
San Mateo 816
Seattle 708
Jacksonville 645
Falls Church 635
Wilmington 605
Pisa 578
Cambridge 574
Dearborn 536
Ashburn 509
Boardman 494
Beijing 365
Stevenage 286
Dublin 282
Portsmouth 276
Toronto 263
Dong Ket 260
Fremont 252
Lawrence 245
Ottawa 193
Rome 193
Milan 159
Helsinki 154
Brooklyn 138
Montréal 131
Munich 114
Redwood City 112
Strasbourg 110
Santa Clara 99
Guangzhou 91
Daejeon 90
London 86
Lake Forest 84
Los Angeles 82
Livorno 78
Florence 77
San Diego 77
Old Bridge 66
Kunming 64
Mcallen 56
Foggia 50
Norwalk 50
Wuhan 50
Shanghai 42
Nanjing 40
Sivakasi 37
Hefei 36
Serra 36
Buti 35
Istanbul 34
Amsterdam 32
Enschede 31
Traverse City 30
Shenzhen 29
Taipei 29
Cascina 27
Lahore 26
Pontedera 26
Chennai 25
Washington 25
Hong Kong 24
Genova 22
Naples 22
Padova 20
Turin 20
West Jordan 20
Zurich 20
Borne 19
Brussels 19
Dongguan 19
Genoa 18
New York 18
Wanchai 18
Castelnuovo 17
Ig 17
Madrid 17
Paris 17
Punjab 16
Hounslow 15
Jinan 15
Augusta 14
Bari 14
Gandhinagar 14
Gurgaon 14
Nuremberg 14
San Giuliano Terme 14
Simi Valley 14
Tokyo 14
Bogotá 13
Chiswick 13
Duncan 13
Hangzhou 13
Stuttgart 13
Torino 13
Totale 23.002
Nome #
Towards methodology and metrics for assessing lumbar exoskeletons in industrial applications 324
Hybrid EEG/EOG-based brain/neural hand exoskeleton restores fully independent daily living activities after quadriplegia 308
A mechatronic system for robot-mediated hand telerehabilitation 271
Design and Experimental Characterization of a Shoulder-Elbow Exoskeleton With Compliant Joints for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation 235
A novel shoulder-elbow exoskeleton with series elastic actuators 226
A Modular Sensorized Mat for Monitoring Infant Posture 223
An ecologically-controlled exoskeleton can improve balance recovery after slippage 221
NEUROExos: A Powered Elbow Exoskeleton for Physical Rehabilitation 217
Providing time-discrete gait information by wearable feedback apparatus for lower-limb amputees: usability and functional validation 214
A Flexible Sensor Technology for the Distributed Measurement of Interaction Pressure 212
A mechatronic platform for human touch studies 210
A realtime locomotion mode recognition method for an active pelvis orthosis 210
An oscillator-based smooth real-time estimate of gait phase for wearable robotics 210
Lower-limb amputees can reduce the energy cost of walking when assisted by an Active Pelvis Orthosis 204
EMG-Based Detection of User’s Intentions for Human-Machine Shared Control of an Assistive Upper-Limb Exoskeleton 203
Detection of movement onset using EMG signals for upper-limb exoskeletons in reaching tasks 203
Neuro-robotics paradigm for intelligent assistive technologies 202
Functional Design of a Powered Elbow Orthosis Toward its Clinical Employment 198
Real-time Hybrid Locomotion Mode Recognition for Lower-limb Wearable Robots 198
Review of Assistive Strategies in Powered Lower-Limb Orthoses and Exoskeletons 195
A simple highly efficient non invasive EMG-based HMI 194
A light-weight active orthosis for hip movement assistance 193
Oscillator-based assistance of cyclical movements: model-based and model-free approaches 193
Towards the development of advanced exoskeletons for supporting the human activities 192
A telerehabilitation system for hand functional training 191
Gastrocnemius myoelectric control of a robotic hip exoskeleton 190
Relevance of Series-Elastic actuation in rehabilitation and assistance robotic: Two cases of study 190
A robotic model to investigate human motor control 188
Design and validation of a miniaturized SEA transmission system 187
Intention-based EMG Control for Powered Exoskeletons 186
HANDEXOS: Towards an exoskeleton device for the rehabilitation of the hand 185
Synthetic and bio-artificial tactile sensing: a review 185
Mechatronic Design and Characterization of the Index Finger Module of a Hand Exoskeleton for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation 183
Controlling Assistive Machines in Paralysis Using Brain Waves and Other Biosignals 183
Perception of Time-Discrete Haptic Feedback on the Waist is Invariant with Gait Events 183
Pressure‐sensitive insoles for real‐time gait‐related applications 182
Automated detection of gait initiation and termination using wearable sensors 181
A New Sensory Feedback System for Lower-Limb Amputees: Assessment of Discrete Vibrotactile Stimuli Perception During Walking 181
Time-Discrete Vibrotactile Feedback Contributes to Improved Gait Symmetry in Patients With Lower-Limb Amputations: A Case Series 180
Classification of Lifting Techniques for Application of A Robotic Hip Exoskeleton 180
Kinematic chain to assist flexion-extension of a joint 180
Self-Alignment Mechanisms for Assistive Wearable Robots: a KinetoStatic Compatibility Method 179
CYBERLEGs: un nuovo Sistema robotico per gli amputati di arto inferiore 178
Real-time estimate of velocity and acceleration of quasi-periodic signals using adaptive oscillators 177
Design and Development of a Novel Robotic Platform for Neuro-Robotics Applications: the NEURobotics ARM (NEURARM) 176
Development of a FPGA-based digital control platform for the biomechatronic interface DIGITUS 176
A novel adaptive oscillators-based control for a powered multi-joint lower-limb orthosis 176
The neuro-robotics paradigm: NEURARM, NEUROExos, HANDEXOS 174
Validation of a Gravity Compensation Algorithm for a Shoulder-Elbow Exoskeleton for Neurological Rehabilitation 173
Gait training using a robotic hip exoskeleton improves metabolic gait efficiency in the elderly 173
A Wireless Flexible Sensorized Insole for Gait Analysis 171
Why effectiveness of robot-mediated neuro-rehabilitation does not necessarily influence its adoption? 171
The rubber foot illusion 171
Detecting Slipping-Like Perturbations by Using Adaptive Oscillators 171
A novel hand exoskeleton with series elastic actuation for modulated torque transfer 170
A real-time lift detection strategy for a hip exoskeleton 170
Development of an in-shoe pressure-sensitive device for gait analisys 169
The effects on biomechanics of walking and balance recovery in a novel pelvis exoskeleton during zero-torque control 168
Measuring human-robot interaction on wearable robots: A distributed approach 168
Design of a hand exoskeleton (handexos) for the rehabilitation of the hand 167
Vision-based pose estimation for robot-mediated hand telerehabilitation 167
Dispositivo esoscheletrico indossabile per la riabilitazione della mano 166
Assist-as-needed control strategies for wearable robots 164
Feedforward neural network for force coding of an MRI-compatible tactile sensor array based on fiber bragg grating 164
Ergonomic assessment of an active pelvis orthosis 164
HANDEXOS: Towards a support device for hand activities and telepresence 163
HANDEXOS, towards an exoskeleton device for the rehabilitation of the hand 163
Torsional transmission element with elastic response 162
Gait Segmentation Using Bipedal Foot Pressure Patterns 162
Psychophysiological response to cognitive workload during symmetrical, asymmetrical and dual-task walking 162
Design of a Hand Exoskeleton (Handexos) for the Rehabilitation of the Hand 161
Gait Segmentation Using Bipedal Foot Pressure Patterns 160
Sensing Pressure Distribution on a Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Physical Human-Machine Interface 159
Gait segmentation with a wearable non contact capacitive sensory system 159
Digitus: towards a platform for the characterization of the finger biomechanics in fine manipulation. 158
NEUROExos: a powered Elbow Orthosis for Post-Stroke Early Neurorehabilitation 158
Walking Assistance Using Artificial Primitives: A Novel Bioinspired Framework Using Motor Primitives for Locomotion Assistance Through a Wearable Cooperative Exoskeleton 158
Technological aid for transfemoral amputees 156
Sensorized coating for detection of pressures 156
A clutch mechanism for switching between position and stiffness control of a variable stiffness actuator 156
Modeling, design & characterization of a novel Passive Variable Stiffness Joint (pVSJ) 156
Neuroexos elbow module: a novel exoskeleton for elbow rehabilitation 155
Catena cinematica per la trasmissione di coppie meccaniche 155
A Wearable Haptic Feedback System for Assisting Lower-Limb Amputees in Multiple Locomotion Tasks 155
Structure of sensorized mat 153
An Active Compliant Knee Joint for Gait Assistance: Design and Characterization 153
Oscillator-based Walking Assistance: a Model-free Approach 152
Wearable Exoskeleton device for hand rehabilitation 152
Phase-II clinical validation of a powered exoskeleton for the treatment of elbow spasticity 152
Capacitive Sensing-Based Continuous Gait Phase Estimation in Robotic Transtibial Prostheses 152
A sensorless torque control for Antagonistic Driven Compliant Joints 151
On the design of ergonomic wearable devices 151
A light-weight exoskeleton for hip flexion-extension assistance 151
Molla Torsionale 151
Usability test of a hand exoskeleton for activities of daily living: an example of user-centered design 151
A Portable Active Pelvis Orthosis for Ambulatory Movement Assistance 149
Digitus: towards a platform for the characterization of finger biomechanics in fine manipulation 148
Dispositivo e metodo per acquisire la forma di oggetti 148
The NEURARM: towards a platform for joint neuroscience experiments on human motion control theories 148
Case Study: the NEUROBOTICS exoskeleton (NEUROExos) 147
Totale 17.917
Categoria #
all - tutte 180.448
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 180.448

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.819 0 0 0 0 0 0 468 132 345 229 134 511
2020/20217.847 361 691 466 513 499 1.250 623 443 493 669 725 1.114
2021/20224.343 316 823 222 221 104 129 454 771 249 398 276 380
2022/20234.446 350 435 246 775 408 660 77 237 630 134 336 158
2023/20242.445 277 145 334 226 94 287 191 96 113 153 86 443
2024/20253.119 145 152 729 518 544 984 47 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 35.223