Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.028
EU - Europa 4.432
AS - Asia 1.692
SA - Sud America 33
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 22
OC - Oceania 6
AF - Africa 4
Totale 13.217
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.949
GB - Regno Unito 1.529
UA - Ucraina 680
SG - Singapore 622
IT - Italia 541
DE - Germania 515
CN - Cina 483
DK - Danimarca 403
VN - Vietnam 343
RU - Federazione Russa 214
FI - Finlandia 141
SE - Svezia 127
IE - Irlanda 125
HK - Hong Kong 87
CA - Canada 78
IN - India 53
FR - Francia 31
BR - Brasile 25
CH - Svizzera 23
NL - Olanda 23
EU - Europa 22
PL - Polonia 21
IR - Iran 20
PK - Pakistan 18
PT - Portogallo 18
JP - Giappone 14
ES - Italia 10
SA - Arabia Saudita 8
BE - Belgio 7
AR - Argentina 6
GR - Grecia 6
PH - Filippine 6
KR - Corea 5
RO - Romania 5
AU - Australia 4
ID - Indonesia 4
IL - Israele 4
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 4
MY - Malesia 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
CY - Cipro 3
TR - Turchia 3
AT - Austria 2
EE - Estonia 2
LT - Lituania 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EG - Egitto 1
IS - Islanda 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LV - Lettonia 1
LY - Libia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MM - Myanmar 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
YT - Mayotte 1
Totale 13.217
Città #
Southend 1.189
Woodbridge 1.056
Chandler 727
Houston 718
Ann Arbor 631
Singapore 516
Fairfield 475
San Mateo 369
Jacksonville 297
Cambridge 267
Dong Ket 243
Dearborn 225
Seattle 220
Ashburn 208
Wilmington 183
Falls Church 179
Beijing 174
Guangzhou 167
Boardman 156
Pisa 123
Dublin 118
Portsmouth 114
Stevenage 113
Lawrence 92
Fremont 80
Hong Kong 64
Brooklyn 56
Helsinki 56
Ottawa 52
San Diego 42
Old Bridge 41
Redwood City 38
London 37
Santa Clara 36
Munich 27
Shanghai 20
Warsaw 20
Kolkata 19
Norwalk 14
Foggia 13
Rome 13
Hounslow 12
Toronto 12
Shenzhen 11
Los Angeles 10
Milan 10
Upperville 10
West Jordan 10
Frankfurt am Main 9
Neuchatel 9
Torino 9
Abano Terme 8
Santa Barbara 8
Montréal 7
Dongguan 6
Islamabad 6
Livorno 6
San Francisco 6
São Paulo 6
Wandsworth 6
Chiswick 5
Hangzhou 5
Hanoi 5
Islington 5
Amsterdam 4
Codogno 4
Detroit 4
Doncaster 4
Hefei 4
Karachi 4
Lecce 4
Lisbon 4
Makati City 4
Nehora 4
New York 4
Redmond 4
Riyadh 4
Salt Lake City 4
Southwark 4
Stockholm 4
São José Dos Campos 4
Tokyo 4
Wuxi 4
Zurich 4
Barcelona 3
Bellaria-Igea Marina 3
Brussels 3
Cerea 3
Chicago 3
Cologno Monzese 3
Dhanbad 3
Espoo 3
Gaeta 3
Hanover 3
Harbin 3
Hyderabad 3
Karlsruhe 3
Lappeenranta 3
Massy 3
Nanjing 3
Totale 9.497
Nome #
10 GHz to 2.5 THz optical frequency multiplication 227
Bidirectional Transmission in an Optical Network on Chip With Bus and Ring Topologies 226
A fully photonics-based coherent radar system 218
2×2 Photonic Node for All-Optical Packet Switching Networks 184
A Synchronous All-optical 160 Gb/s Photonic Interconnection Network 177
A Silicon Microring Optical 2x2 Switch Exploiting Orbital Angular Momentum for Interconnection Networks up to 20Gbaud 177
Fully photonics-based radar demonstrator: concept and field trials 177
Frequency-agile dual-frequency lidar for integrated coherent radar-lidar architectures 174
Colorless all-optical sum and subtraction of phases for phase-shift keying signals based on a periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide 173
All-Optical Digital Circuits Exploiting SOA-Based Loop Memories 172
Power and scalability analysis of multi-plane optical interconnection networks 171
Analog-to-digital conversion exploiting XGM in SOA-based modular blocks 167
A Combined Radar & Lidar System Based on Integrated Photonics in Silicon-on-Insulator 165
Defragmentation and Grooming on 85.4 Gb/s by Simultaneous Format and Wavelength Conversion in an Integrated Quad SOA-MZI 163
160 Gbit/s OTDM demultiplexer exploiting 1-Meter-Long Bismuth Oxide-Based Fiber 162
Modelling of an optical threshold element based On SOAs 155
Modelling and Measurement of Noisy SOA Dynamics for Ultra-Fast Applications 154
Field trial of the first photonic-based radar for maritime border security and harbor protection 152
250-times repetition frequency multiplication for 2.5 THz clock signal generation 150
Optical logic elementary circuits 150
Reti di interconnessione tutto-ottiche a 160 Gb/s 149
Ultra-fast 160:10 Gbit/s Time Demultiplexing by Four Wave Mixing in 1-Meter-Long B2O3-Based Fiber 149
19.2Tb/s Optical Switch Based on an Integrated OAM Multiplexer 148
All-Optical XOR Gate by Means of a Single Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Without Assist Probe Light 147
Impact of an Additional All-Optical Decision Element in Band-Limited Receivers for RZ Systems 147
NRZ/RZ 40 Gbit/s optical regenerator based on a photonic two-level nonlinear device 147
All-optical 2x2 switch by exploiting optical nonlinearities in a single semiconductor optical amplifier 147
All-optical 2-bit digital-to-analog conversion with a single semiconductor optical amplifier 146
Microwave photonics for Integrated multifrequency lidar / radar system 146
Photonic digital processing for enabling next generation optical networks 145
PPLN Waveguide-Based Optical Signal Processing for Next-Generation Networks 145
Multi-Frequency Lidar/Radar Integrated System for Robust and Flexible Doppler Measurements 145
Analog-to-Digital Conversion Based on Modular Blocks Exploiting Cross-Gain Modulation in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers 144
Coherent interferometric dual-frequency laser radar for precise range/doppler measurement 144
Photonics in Switching: Enabling Technologies and Subsystem Design 143
All-Optical SOA-Assisted 40 Gbit/s DQPSK-to-OOK Format Conversion 139
Coherent laser radar with dual-frequency Doppler estimation and interferometric range detection 139
Demonstration of feasibility of a complete 160 Gbit/s OTDM system including all-optical 3R 137
Asynchronous optical sampler for monitoring of 40 Gbit/s signals in C-band 137
Hitless reconfiguration of a PPLN-based multiwavelength source for elastic optical networks 137
Flexible frequency comb generation in a periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide enabling optical multicasting 136
Demonstration of a multiplane OAM-wavelength packet switch controlled by a two-step scheduler implemented in FPGAs 136
320 Gbit/s all-optical regeneration for OTDM signals 135
Tunable dual-frequency lidar exploiting a mode-locked laser for integrated coherent radar-lidar architecture 135
Photonics in Switching: Architectures, Systems and enabling Technologies 134
Linear, self-referenced fiber-optics technique for single-shot and real-time (sub-)picosecond optical pulse characterization 134
Photonic Combinatorial Network for Contention Management in 160 Gb/s Interconnection Networks based on All-Optical 2x2 Switching Elements 132
Spectral-Efficient Flexible Optical Multicasting in a Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate Waveguide 130
Hitless multiwavelength source reconfiguration for flexible optical networks 130
All-Optical Packet Switched Interconnection Network based on Modular Photonic Digital Processing 128
PMD Monitoring using Optical Sideband Filtering 127
All-Optical Traffic Grooming in Elastic Optical Network 125
The new generation of remote sensors based on the integration of optics and electronics 125
Generation of a flexible optical comb in a periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide 124
Integrated multi-frequency lidar / radar system for precise and robust Doppler measurements 123
Characterisation of an optically enhanced conventional 10 GHz receiver for RZ systems over 100GHz 122
Single SOA-MZI-based 40 Gb/s NRZ-to-RZ and OOK-to-BPSK format and wavelength converters for gridless networking 122
Revolutionizing optical fiber transmission and networking using the Orbital Angular Momentum of light 122
Multiplexing two 40 Gbit/s WDM signals into an 80 Gbit/s signal using XPM in 0.8 metre Bi-HNLF 120
Coherent radar/lidar integrated architecture 120
All-optical Digital Processing Through Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers 118
Field Trial Demonstration of Spectrum Defragmentation and Grooming in Elastic Optical Node 118
Optical Digital Signal Processing in a Single SOA without Assist Probe Light 117
A Synchronous All-optical 160 Gb/s Photonic Interconnection Network 117
Implementation of a tunable 160 Gb/s wavelength multi-converter based on supercontinuum in a highly nonlinear fibre 116
Optical linear feedback shift register 116
Optical Switch Controller 115
Additional All-Optical Decision Element Improving the Performance of Band-Limited Receivers in RZ Systems 115
4 OAM x 4 WDM optical switching based on an innovative integrated tunable OAM multiplexer 114
Full 160 Gbit/s Single-Channel OTDM System Experiment Including All-Optical Transmitter, 3R, and Receiver 113
All-Optical Combinatorial Network based on SOAs for Packet Contention Resolution in a 2 x 2 Photonic Node 112
Challenges and Progress toward a Silicon-based Multi-Microring Optical Network-on-Chip 112
A 3 x3 switch exploiting an optical vortex beam emitter based on a silicon three-grating microring 109
Tunable Orbital Angular Momentum Converter Based on Integrated Multiplexers 108
Optical switching 107
Packaging of Silicon Microlenses on Integrated OAM-Emitters for Compact Transmitters 106
Photonics-Based Radar for Sub-mm Displacement Sensing 102
Openflow-control of an OAM-based two-layer switch supporting 100Gb/s real data-traffic 101
Linear, self-referenced technique for single-shot and real-time full characterization of (sub-)picosecond optical pulses 99
First Demonstration of an FPGA-Controlled Multiplane OAM-Wavelength Packet Switch 99
Performance Computation of a 160 Gbit/s NOLM-Based 3-Stage All-optical Regenerator 98
Modulation squeezing of a 10 Gb/s RZ and NRZ signal with a single SOA 98
Interconnection network architectures based on integrated orbital angular momentum emitters 98
Fibre Based Schemes for Ultrafast Subsystems: Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirrors Traditional Design and Novel Applications 97
Tunable Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) Conversion on 100Gb/s Real Data Traffic by Exploiting Concentric Waveguide Emitters 97
A 3x3 optical switch by exploiting vortex beam emitters based on silicon microrings with superimposed gratings 96
Temporal Phase and Amplitude Reconstruction of Picosecond Pulses by All-Optical Differentiation and Sampling 89
The orbital angular momentum of light for ultra-high capacity data centers 88
The Orbital Angular Momentum of Light for Next Generation Optical Switches 87
Optical switching by exploiting integrated OAM multiplexers 87
Two-layer interconnection network architectures based on integrated concentric orbital angular momentum emitters 86
Multiplane orbital angular momentum and wavelength switch based on integrated tunable vortex emitters 82
Penetration capability of near infrared Laguerre-Gaussian beams through highly scattering media 76
Penetration Depth Increase of Near Infrared Vortex Light through Turbid Media 66
Coherent multi frequency laser radar for precise range/Doppler measurements 63
Totale 13.012
Categoria #
all - tutte 72.053
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 72.053

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020878 0 0 0 0 0 145 303 51 195 22 27 135
2020/20212.959 96 286 137 403 160 409 224 198 155 193 203 495
2021/20221.614 66 317 72 93 25 20 223 321 63 159 112 143
2022/20231.408 102 107 25 295 156 253 27 86 208 34 85 30
2023/2024663 54 24 92 22 49 96 34 38 67 49 19 119
2024/20251.225 35 43 310 225 273 339 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.359